Friday, October 20, 2017

Blog Stage Four: Substantial commentary or criticism #2

On October 16, 2017 John Aravosis wrote an editorial for Americablog entitled, The Case for Impeachment. Founded in 2004 by lawyer, journalist, civil rights advocate and Democratic political consultant John Aravosis, Americablog is blog that focuses on American politics from a liberal perspective. This being said, Mr. Aravosis' intended audience for this editorial is as one might expect educated, liberal and anti-Trump. Most people reading Americablog fall firmly into one if not all of these categories. Even though Mr. Aravosis is not a famous political pundit, he is widely known and respected in Democratic circles. His blog helped expose Jeff Gannon in 2005 and helped make cell phone privacy an issue after obtaining General Wesley Clark's call records in 2006. These exposes added greatly to his and his blog's credibility. Mr. Aravosis' argument is simple, President Trump should be impeached. He claims that, "it is too dangerous for Donald Trump to remain in office. The time has come to publicly call for his removal". As evidence for this claim he uses the situation in Puerto Rico that continues to grow more dire weeks after Hurricane Irma struck the island. The President's efforts to incite a war with North Korea and Iran are also cited as evidence, as are his continued attempts to undercut the Affordable Care Act. The logic behind Mr. Aravosis' argument is simple and accurate. Mr. Aravosis does not have to "trump" up false charges against the President to make his argument. President Trump has given him all the ammunition he needs to logically and effectively make the argument that the President should be removed "via impeachment or the 25th Amendment".
I agree with Mr. Aravosis that President Trump should be removed before he "causes serious damage to our people and our democracy". I would even go a step further in saying that the 45th President of the United States of America has already done irreparable damage to our country in less than one year in office. He has damaged the country's reputation abroad and the reputation and prestige of the office he holds at home. In my opinion the most compelling case for the impeachment of Donald Trump is one that Mr. Aravosis barely mentions. The President's "refusal to divest from his business interests has placed him in direct violation of the US Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause and with the Federal STOCK Act". The President himself has even made comments that would suggest that he is running afoul of the Emoluments Clause. It appears that the only reason impeachment proceedings against the President have not commenced is because a Republican controlled Congress does not want to. That being said it appears that even the Republican members of Congress are becoming increasingly anxious about the unpredictable and reckless behavior of the president. If this behavior continues, would his own party's members of Congress eventually be forced to turn against him and try to impeach him? The question is how long would this take and how much more damage would President Trump be able to do in the meantime.

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Blog Stage Seven: Original editorial or commentary #2

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