Friday, September 22, 2017

On Friday September 22, 2017 The Washington Post reported that Senator John McCain, a Republican Senator from the state of Arizona would not support his party's newest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also know as Obamacare. McCain joined fellow Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine in voting against a healthcare bill sponsored by the Republican leadership.

This article is worth reading because the health of the country's citizens and the quality of healthcare that they receive directly impacts every American regardless of health, age, race, gender or socioeconomic status. It is also worth reading because in one of the most politically divided and partisan climates in out country's history, two senators decided to go against their party and side with what they felt was best for their constituents. Few politicians today are willing to make this departure as it could irreparably damage or even mean the suicide of their political careers. Senators McCain and Collins are taking a page from the politicians of what unfortunately appears to be a bygone era. Senators McCain and Collins are not acting in their own best interests or the best interests of their party. Instead they are acting in the best interests of the people who elected them. They are, as all politician should be, acting as civil servants. Senators McCain and Collins are standing up for what they think is right and for the good of the voters who sent them to Washington. The citizens of Arizona and Maine should be proud to have such principled politicians representing them and their respective states. More politicians should follow in their footsteps. Doing the right thing often means doing the difficult and unpopular thing. Cheers to Senators McCain and Collins.

Blog Stage Seven: Original editorial or commentary #2

On October the 1st of this year a gunman killed 58 people and injured hundreds more at a country music festival in Las Vegas. Just over a mo...